"Baby's now the size of a squash! Baby's energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. What all this means for you: Get ready for some more kicks and jabs to the ribs." -thebump.com
Weekly Checklist
How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 24lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yep
Sleep: Some good nights, some bad. But my energy seems to be pretty good. If I take a nap in the afternoon I actually have energy to get stuff done around the house. yay!
Food Cravings: I went to the grocery store by myself (bad idea) & came home with all the fixings for ice cream sundaes. Plus the only reason reason I went to the store was to pick up fixings for peanut butter rice krispie treats. I don't think I came home with anything nutritional!
What I miss: uncooked lunchmeat. My cravings for Milios or cousins have been coming back the last few days. I can't wait to have my first sub after the baby!
What I am looking forward to: Eating a ham & cheese sub. (Did I mention I'm slightly hungry at the moment?)
Weekly wisdom: Having a footrest at my desk helps keep me a little more comfortable when sitting all day. A co-worker actually recommended using a mail tote instead of the copy paper box I was using. She very nicely ran down and got one for me on Friday, so we'll see if that is even better next week.
Milestones: A stranger noticed I was pregnant! I've had lots of co-workers who I hadn't specifically told start to notice in the past few weeks, but this was the first time someone I didn't know said something. I was at Kohl's and an associate made a comment and asked about the baby. I guess I'm officially big!
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