*Knock on wood*
That's how I felt after my doctor appointment today. So far everything has been going well in this pregnancy I feel like it's too good to be true. Has this pregnancy been 100% delightful? No, but it's really been a very normal road so far. I hope it continues that way.
Today was my gestational diabetes test. They gave me an orange liquid to drink and then take my blood an hour later. The orange drink is often hyped to be so awful, but honestly it was fine. Not something I'd drink by choice but it just tasted like flat orange soda that had too much syrup in it. An hour later, they took my blood and gave me the results right away -- I passed! I was slightly worried about the idea of having to give up all the sweets I eat, so that was a relief. They also checked my iron levels and they were fine. That was also good to hear since I have been borderline anemic prior to pregnancy.
In between my hour wait, I had my monthly check-up.
Weight: Up 5 lbs or so, to a total weight gain of 22 lbs. I was worried this was too much, so I asked what he thought. He said it was perfect! He expects about a pound a week for the next 13 weeks, which would put me around 35 lb gain. While he's not worried, it still is difficult for me to see how much I weigh.
Blood Pressure: Actually much higher than my normal, but within perfect range, so he didn't even bring it up. 122/70
Heartbeat: 135
Fundal Height: 28.5 -- He made some comment about how he's a "healthy" size & I don't have a 5 pounder in there. I'm going to choose to ignore the fact that I might have a big boy growing in there. Honestly, it's pretty early to determine how big he'll be anyway.
Talked about my symptoms - back pain, side-back pain & dizziness. My headaches have gotten better, so I think he was happy to hear that. The back pain that's more on the sides he said is probably muscular because my urine doesn't show any problems with my kidneys. He recommended a massage (I gave Jason a look!) and heat. He also recommended using a lumbar support of some sort at work. My posture is probably hurting my back as well. He also said that the dizziness i've been feeling is probably when I haven't eaten anything in awhile. I'm probably letting my blood sugar get low & I need to make sure I'm eating something small throughout the day.
I asked about cold medicine, since I haven't been feeling great and wanted to check in case it progressed to something worse. He said sudafed, tylenol and mucinex are all good options. Of course he also gave me the signs to pay attention to if it turns into the flu. Fever, chills etc.
I asked about working up until I give birth & his thoughts. Basically, yes most women do & if my blood pressure is good and everything else progresses well, he sees no issue with that.
Next Appointment: I got to schedule my next 8 appointments! Straight through my due date. My next one will be in 3 weeks and then 2 week increments until December 7th when I'll go every week.
yay! you've started the doctor appt. countdown! :)
glad you're so healthy & you look great too!
Yay for passing the sugar test! That's very exciting. One less thing to worry about!
If you're having back pain and pressure in the front of your belly (down low) you may want to try a maternity belt. You can get them at like Target and Babies R Us. They are good because they give your belly support. Just wear them during the day...they may help you to sleep better at night too (because your muscles won't be as sore from during the day).
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