Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pregnancy Police - Coffee

So I heard this on the radio this morning & it made me so mad, I have to post about it! Apparently there is a coffee chain (they didn't name names) who is refusing to serve fully caffeinated beverages to obviously pregnant women! The woman that was mentioned on the radio left with only a 1/2 caff - 1/2 decaf latte.

Now I don't know a ton of details, such as if this is a policy of that coffee place or just a manager in particular. However, I would be pissed if I went into Starbucks to order a latte and was turned down! I happen to know how many milligrams of caffeine are in lattes and I know how much my doctor recommends. If I choose to have coffee, it's my decision and I'm an educated woman.

Now having said that, I haven't had my favorite latte in 20 weeks (since I found out) even though I know I can. I'm overly cautious and have chosen to stay away. However, I can't promise I'll make it through the holiday season without a peppermint latte. If at that time I am refused service, there will definitely be hell to pay.

Okay...rant over. :)


Tina said...

You tell 'em, mamma!
PS-Sometimes I have a soda (insert sarcastic GASP here) and I dare anyone to say anything. :)

NYC RN/Student Midwife said...

Kellie, your blog helps me learn!

According to my Varney's Midwifery book:

"moderate use of caffeine poses no major issue to the birth weight of the newborn"

Just remember that the half-life of caffeine increases twofold to fourfold during pregnancy so don't get that latte when you don't want a little caffeine buzz for a couple of hours.

ps that coffee chain is just stupid and ridiculous...i can't even believe that.

Jen said...

That is crazy!!!!