Fruit pictures and baby details are courtesy of thebump.com. Dad's pregnancy pictures courtesy of http://www.hisboyscanswim.com/dads-pregnancy-guide.
"Baby's now the size of a papaya! Baby's settling into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. Real estate within your belly is getting tight, with growing baby leaving little room for your lungs to...well...breathe. Expect the huffing and puffing to start soon. There's not much room for your belly button, either -- it'll pop out any day now."
Weekly Checklist:
How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 13 lbs give or take
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: My dreams have gotten crazier and I'm learning my lesson about what I read before bed. My dreams over the week consisted of story-lines pulled straight from the book I was reading. This wouldn't be so bad if the book I read wasn't about a woman accused of killing her newborn child and another woman who had a miscarriage. :(
Food Cravings: I think I'm going to change these to food of the week, since nothing I've craved is really strong. But this week I did eat a lot of Golden Oreos.
Labor Signs: none
What I miss: nothing in particular
What I am looking forward to: Taking our baby camping next summer. We went camping over labor day and it was fun to picture taking our son with next year. It's a lot of work to bring a long a 7 month-old, but I think it will be fun to start family trips early on!
Weekly Wisdom: This is Jason's weekly wisdom (or random question): "So, why don't newborns naturally know how to swim if they spend 9 months in amniotic fluid?" I laughed, I love the way husbands think.
Milestones: Nothing new.
How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 13 lbs give or take
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: My dreams have gotten crazier and I'm learning my lesson about what I read before bed. My dreams over the week consisted of story-lines pulled straight from the book I was reading. This wouldn't be so bad if the book I read wasn't about a woman accused of killing her newborn child and another woman who had a miscarriage. :(
Food Cravings: I think I'm going to change these to food of the week, since nothing I've craved is really strong. But this week I did eat a lot of Golden Oreos.
Labor Signs: none
What I miss: nothing in particular
What I am looking forward to: Taking our baby camping next summer. We went camping over labor day and it was fun to picture taking our son with next year. It's a lot of work to bring a long a 7 month-old, but I think it will be fun to start family trips early on!
Weekly Wisdom: This is Jason's weekly wisdom (or random question): "So, why don't newborns naturally know how to swim if they spend 9 months in amniotic fluid?" I laughed, I love the way husbands think.
Milestones: Nothing new.
I hope your belly button pops out by the time I see you next weekend! I was going to suggest we go to the Mall, but if you're going to be huffing and puffing, maybe that isn't such a good idea. I CAN'T WAIT to see how look now and to start planning the shower!!
Hey funny but Jay is right in a way. Babies having a swimming reflex at birth and they are able to "swim" for about 6 months. Here's a good link:
Swimming: If you were to put a baby under six months of age in water, they would move their arms and legs while holding their breath. This is why some families believe in swim training for very little babies. It is not recommended for you to test this reflex at home for obvious safety reasons.
Please, don't test this reflex though! :)
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