Baby is the size of a Mango! "Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil, and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature."
Weekly Checklist:
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I've given up all non-maternity pants, except a pair of capris that sorta still fit. Plus I really like them. The next stage will be working my way into maternity shirts or at least shirts a little bigger. Some of my favorite ones I'm finding are a lot shorter once they work their way over my belly.
Sleep: I am now finally getting a little more energy. However, sleep is becoming more uncomfortable. For some pregnancy reason about my ligaments expanding, I wake up with hip and tailbone pain from sleeping on my side.
Food Cravings: Still no weird cravings. Probably the weirdest food I've eaten all week is a peanut butter & marshmello sandwich (fluffernutter). However, that was mostly because I didn't want to eat left-over pork chops and couldn't have a ham sandwich.
Labor Signs: none
What I miss: Being low maintenance. Usually I'm a go with the flow type of person who doesn't really need to do things my way. But when I can only eat certain foods and still have aversions to many of those, I become a little more demanding. Plus waiting on other people for things like meals, I get a bit crankier than I normally would. Being hungry takes on another meaning when you're "eating for two."
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the baby again. It's still over a week away, however, I'm just so excited to see how much he/she has grown.
Weekly Wisdom: Pillows are my friend. I'm learning to sleep more comfortably by cusioning my back and hips with pillows. This didn't work so well in the double-bed J & I were in last week, but worked pretty well in our queen.
Milestones: Nothing major this week, but I am feeling the baby more often now. It's not constant enough that I am worried when I don't feel him/her, but it's exciting to feel it more often. It's also becoming a stronger feeling where I no longer wonder if I've felt something but know that I have. I love it! Still no kicks can be felt outside my stomach, so J is feeling a bit left out, but it will happen soon enough.
Fluffernutters are my favorite! But only when you use real marshamallows, NOT marshmallow fluff cream. And mini mallows are easier to bite off than full size mallows.
Strange, but it didn't even occur to me that you could feel a baby kick internally, but that it wouldn't be noticeable from the outside of the stomach. I thought that all movement could be felt externally as well. I wonder when that changes, because I want to feel me a baby!
P.S. What type of fruit is that? Lime? I have no idea.
Katie :)
I did think of you while I was eating my fluffernutter!
It's a mango...I've edited the entry to call that out. I don't think I would've known what it was either. :)
I'm so excited you can feel the baby now! :)
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