Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Day in the Life

In order to get to know Brody better, his new teachers asked me what a typical day was like at home. I wasn't exactly sure how to answer...I mean, I don't know? We hang out...
Then I thought about it more and here's really what it's like at our house. There are naps, meals, snacks and errands. But in between here's what we do:

Pull Brody away from the dangerous things he likes to play with

Crawl into laundry baskets & then ride around in them like a play-car.

Hangout in toy bins.

Carry tupperware lids around the house.

And probably our most normal activity? Learning to play basketball!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Brody can say "mama" and "dada" and "baba" and "lalalalala." However, none of those things actually seem to mean anything to him, except that they are fun sounds he can make with his mouth. Until now...

I'm now convinced that Brody thinks "Mama" = "More food now!" We hear it the most when he's in his high chair waiting for food. And when he's especially hungry he starts saying it more frequently and more urgently. "MAMAMAMA!"

Then it stops when I walk over to him with his food. Therefore Mama = Food.

Jason tried reassuring me the other night by reminding me that when Brody wants out of his crib, he will occasionally say "mama" as well. So he's convinced that Brody just knows who will give him what he wants.
I can't complain though...there aren't a lot of "dadas" flying out of his mouth. :)