Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcoming Brody into the world

Brody Daniel arrived January 20th at 4:34pm! Here is his birth story if you're interested. I'll keep the gory details to a minimum.

Tuesday the 19th of January I woke up about 3am with painful cramping. It was enough to wake me up from a dead sleep. I sat there for about a minute thinking that this has got to be a contraction. Sure enough, after about a minute it was gone. Then about 30 minutes later, same thing, which continued about every hour until I was up for the day. They were so far apart I knew that nothing was happening anytime soon.

I continued on with my second day off of work by having breakfast with my dad, lunch & shopping with my sister and dinner for my Nana's birthday. Starting with breakfast my contractions became about 10 minutes apart. They never got closer together and I was always able to talk through the pain. By the time we got home from dinner (around 9pm) they were becoming a little more painful. By bedtime I had a feeling that labor was progressing as I started timing the contractions. They were now getting more like 8 minutes apart. Jason couldn't sleep (like a little kid on Christmas eve), so we just stayed in bed timing the contractions and I tried to rest while I could.

About 12:30am Wednesday my contractions were 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute each and had been for an hour. This was the magic sign to call the doctor. I called my OB and he told me to head into labor & delivery. As we started getting ready to go to the hospital, my contractions were getting closer to 3-4 minutes apart. I wasn't worried, but Jason started to get a little more nervous. I believe all husbands have a fear that you'll go into labor at home no matter how many times you tell them that this process takes time.

We arrived at the hospital about 1:30am. I had now been having contractions for about 22 hours but at my appointment Monday night, I was only 0 cm dilated. So I was curious what these contractions had done to my progress. The nurse got us settled in and then did an exam. She then informs me that I wasn't dilated, at all!! Are you kidding me?!? I had a few moments of feeling like I was making it up. I was then hooked up to the machines which showed that yes, I was having regular contractions now only 3 minutes apart. At least I knew I wasn't making that up!

The nurse and my OB believed that I may just be dehydrated and that the contractions would go away. They decided to keep me until about 5am and see if I progress on my own. I was also to drink tons of water & juice to try to get hydrated. I knew that I had been drinking tons of water all day, so I didn't really believe that hydration was the issue, but to make sure, I went through over 64oz of water and 32oz of apple juice.

The nurse came back around 5:30 and did another exam to find out that I was 1cm dilated. I had progressed (however slight) on my own!! So they decided to keep me and augment my progress with pitocin. Basically, they didn't have to induce my labor but the pitocin would speed up the dilation.

At this point, I was having a really hard time with the pain. The contractions were still 3 minutes apart which didn't allow for much rest in between. I tried walking around the room and breathing through them but nothing was helping the pain. I never intended to go through labor naturally, but I also didn't want to start an epidural too early in the day. The nurse offered some pain medication instead. I decided to take it. It didn't take away the feeling of the contractions, it just took away the edge.

They also suggested I eat a light breakfast since I would likely be in for a long stretch. I had a bowl of Special K and a piece of toast. Shortly afterwards, I saw my entire breakfast in reverse. Not sure if it was the food or the pain meds, but I recommend not eating while in labor. I continued to get sick several times for the next few hours until they finally gave me anti-nausea medicine. This was the worst part of my labor.

12:30pm I had them do the epidural. This was the best decision I could have made. The pain meds had worn off a few hours earlier and I didn't take more for fear of getting sick again. The anesthesiologist was fantastic. He kept the atmosphere in the room light and talked me through what he was doing. He also let me keep my tank-top on underneath my gown, which made me more comfortable. As soon as the nurse found out Jason was scared of needles, she sent him to the other side of the room to look out the window. But she did a great job keeping me distracted.

I felt very little pain when he did the local anesthetic and no pain as he used the bigger needle (which thankfully I never saw!)

From 12:30 until 4pm I was blissfully relaxed. I just layed in bed, Jason napped, we watched TV, went on facebook and just relaxed. In the meantime, I was having contractions every minute. If I hadn't had the epidural, it would have been a much more stressful, painful afternoon.

The OB came in around 4:00 to see my progress. At this point, we were all still expecting me to be in labor until probably after dinnertime. However, as soon as he started the exam he stated, "wow! you're ready to push!" I was at +2 station which meant that Brody was right there and ready to come out.

From 4:00-4:30 with the help of a nurse, my OB and my wonderful husband, I worked on pushing Brody out. Many first time moms will push for several hours, so it was very lucky that it only took me 30 minutes. When Brody was born there were several comments about how big he was. But he was adorable and I was immediately in love.

They put him directly on my chest as soon as he was out. Jason cut the umbilical cord and they wiped him clean while laying on top of me. He came out screaming and didn't stop until he was clean and warm. He has quite the lungs!

He was 8lbs 14oz and 21.5 inches long with an adorable head full of hair. We're officially a family of three!

Monday, January 18, 2010

40 Week Dr Appointment

It was the appointment I hoped I'd never have to go to. 3 days past my due date, I had both a non-stress test (NST) & regular OB appointment.

They set me up in a chair, hooked up two monitors to my belly and gave me juice to keep the baby moving. One monitor was to measure his heartbeat and the other was to measure contractions.

The goal was to measure his heartbeat during movement. If his heartbeat increases during movement, it is a good sign. Within a minute he was already moving and his heartbeat spiked accordingly. Within the first 10 minutes his heartrate spiked appropriately 3 or 4 times. They kept me on the machine for another 20 minutes but he ended up sleeping by the end of it.

The second monitor that measures contractions? It recorded a flat uterus is doing nothing.

Weight: down a pound, yay!
Blood Pressure: 120/70
Heartbeat: 150 range
Fundal Height: 40 (he hasn't stopped growing!)
Labor Progress: NONE!!
Next Appointment: Thursday for another NST and to check for any progress

Next we discussed induction. He said we could go ahead & schedule for 10 days past my due date (next Monday) or we could wait until after my appointment on Thursday. My appointment on Thursday is currently scheduled with another OB because mine is not in the office. So I opted to just schedule it right away today since I wouldn't be seeing him on Thursday.

Induction: Scheduled to start Sunday the 24th. They will start by trying to dialate me overnight & then start pitocin (to stimulate contactions) on Monday morning. If all goes well, Brody will be born on January 25th.

I'm still holding out hope that Brody will come before Monday. Inductions are not always the easiest and often can lead to C-Sections. I've heard about many successful inductions and many that didn't go very well. Ideally, i'd like my body to do what it needs to do on it's own.

However, based on my progress so far, I am not holding my breath. And at the very least, I know I will only be pregnant for one more week.

Friday, January 15, 2010

40 Weeks

It's officially my due date. That wonderful date that everyone asks about for 9 months. The day is finally here, but my child is not. So here is my weekly recap. Hopefully it will be my last!

Weekly Checklist
How far along? 40 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 38ish lbs (at this point I really couldn't care less)
Maternity Clothes: When I actually get out of my pjs...I still have some maternity clothes that fit.
Sleep: Every other night.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular, but I haven't been eating well at all. My theory is that I'll be in weight loss mode after Brody is here, so I might as well splurge now. (I know it's not healthy...but tell that to a 40 week hormonal pregnant woman.
What I am looking forward to: I doubt I even need to answer this. I want to meet my baby!!
Weekly wisdom: Next time I am pregnant, I'm going to ask my doctor to lie to me. Tell me my due date is at least one week later than it really is. Then I'm going to remind myself for 9 months, that a baby comes when it's ready to matter how many old wives tales you try to induce. So sit patiently and wait for him. We'll see if that really works with the next one.
Milestones: Reaching my due date. Also, working my last day until April. I will be taking vacation until my maternity leave kicks in when Brody is born. Hopefully he comes sooner than later, so I can save some of that vacation to spend with him!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reflecting back on pregnancy

Since all I can do these days is think about how I can't wait for my little guy to get here, I thought I would write down some of my thoughts about pregnancy and what I will or won't miss. Honestly, I don't think I will miss being pregnant. Many women tell me I will, but it's hard to imagine wanting Brody to be inside instead of outside in my arms.

What I think I might miss:
-Being warm. I have never had "hot flashes" or times where I'm sweating when everyone else is fine, but I believe this is because pre-pregnant Kellie is ALWAYS cold. In the last few months, I've noticed that I'm never cold. Even when Jason is cold, I am comfortable. It's nice.

-Feeling Brody kick. This is one thing that I don't really think I'll miss when I'm holding him in my arms. However, I do think I'll miss it a lot when I go back to work. It is nice that I can be sitting in a meeting and all of a sudden Brody decides to have a dance party. It makes me smile. When I'm at work after he's born, I know I will miss him greatly.

-Sending Jason out for ice cream. I know Jason will agree that I have been very tolerable in the sense that I haven't sent him out for cravings very often. But there have been those few occasions where I am craving custard & he's willingly run out & got some for me. He's always been a very attentive husband, but I can't justify sending him out for my every whim once the baby is here.

-Feeling confident. Today I know how to be a good wife, I know how to be a good doggie-mommy, I know how to take care of our house. I am good at my job and know how to be a financial analyst. I know I will be a good mom, but there is a lot that I will have to learn. Whenever I start something new (new job at work, move to a new city etc) I always go through an adjustment phase. I know there will be days where I cry & say I have no idea what I'm doing! But I'm up for the challenge.

What I think I won't miss:
-Pregnancy pains: Backaches, hip pain, pelvic pain, naseau, sleeplessness.

-Answering 20 questions: When are you due? How are you feeling? Boy or girl? Are you ready for him yet? Have you picked a name?

-Restricting what I eat. Since I plan to breastfeed, I still may have to limit certain food items. But I am pretty sure deli meat won't be one of them & I can finally have subs again!

-Having a huge stomach. However, I think this will also be something I miss. When you're pregnant, it's cute to have a belly. After pregnancy, I'm going to have some weight to work off and I'll probably just feel fat.

Monday, January 11, 2010

39 Week Appointment

Still no progress but at least this time I was mentally prepared for it. Nothing really seemed to change in the last week, so I was pretty sure that is what he would say.

Weight: + 2.5lbs (I really should be eating better but at this point, I just don't care - thus I'm gaining weight)
Blood Pressure: 114/68
Heartbeat: 145
Fundal Height: 38
Labor Progress: Nada
Questions: What do we do next?

Starting next Monday (3 days past my due date), I'll start doing a "Non-Stress Test" where they'll monitor how the baby's heartbeat reacts as he's moving. If he is still reacting well inside, then they won't try to induce sooner. Then we'll do one again on Thursday and if he's still not here & I am still not dialated, then the night of the 24th I will go in to start my induction process.

He did try reassuring me that the majority of women that go overdue end up delivering in the first week after the due date. I'm still hoping Brody understands that Mommy likes to be on time, and he'll show up by Friday! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

39 Weeks

Weekly Checklist
How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs
Maternity Clothes: If I could go to work in lounge pants, I would.
Sleep: I wish.
Food Cravings: Strawberry & banana sundaes (custard). I had it twice this week & a strawberry shake another night. Not good for the hips...
What I am looking forward to: holding Brody. He's the light at the end of this tunnel.
Weekly wisdom: I've got none. It's been a hard week, which I can only say I've brought upon myself. I had been hoping that I'd give birth early, but a know that first time moms very frequently go past their due date. I'm thankful that Jason hasn't decided to up & leave me...I've been rather difficult to deal with.
Milestones: My body is rebelling. My back no longer can handle the weight and hurts constantly. My pelvis feels like it's going to break in half, especially if I sit too long. And even my knees have started hurting. It's like my body is telling me, "you're not meant to carry this much weight!" I can only be thankful that my body held out this long, at least i'm in the home stretch.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The many perspectives of how a pregnant woman should look...

Once I started showing enough to stop getting those awkard "is she pregnant or fat?" looks from co-workers/strangers, I've received a variety of comments about my size.

Now that I'm a week away from my due date & completely HUGE (or not huge, just pregnant, as Jason reminds me), I've continued to receive even more comments. The part that makes me laugh, is how varied they are.

I've heard a lot of: "you're so big, there is no way you're going to make it to your due date!"

But I also hear a lot of: "there's no way you're due in a week, you don't look big enough!!"

All I know is that I feel like I'm due in a week. :)

And as a reminder to everyone out there, when you see a pregnant woman, ask her when she is due, the best thing you can say "you look great!"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

38 Week Appointment -- Unsucessful

Yesterday was our 38 week appointment. I was truly hoping for good news that I was at least somewhat progressing towards labor. But no luck! We may be ready for him, but he's not ready.

Weight: + 1/2lb
Blood Pressure: 115/70
Heartbeat: 150ish? It was up to 175 at one point and then lowered down. Doc called it a "spike" which apparently is very healthy.
Fundal Height: This is where it gets interesting...last week it was 38.5, this week it was 37! He shrunk!?! So obviously we asked about it. He officially dropped. So now that he's lower in my pelvis, my stomach doesn't measure as big. Dropping is typical 2-4 weeks prior to labor for first time moms.
Labor Progress: Still effaced (he didn't give me a number) but not dialated at all.
I've started having pelvic pain that feels like my bone is going to break in half and every step I take hurts. The only relief is sitting down, but the longer I sit, the more it hurts when I get up. So obviously I asked him about it. His reponse, "yep, that's normal!" He then explained that as my hips are expanding my pelvic bones are seperating & it can even feel like the pubic bone is split in half.

Unfortunately, hearing "it's normal and no there isn't really anything you can do about it" when you're in pain & miserable, isn't very helpful. But I guess it goes with the territory.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

38 Weeks

Weekly Checklist
How far along?
Total weight gain/loss: 34 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes, plus I have a new found love for Jason's clothes...
Sleep: Between random insomnia & being uncomfortable, my body is getting prepped for those sleepless nights ahead.
Food Cravings: I've starting eating more spicy foods this week. On the off chance that it will help bring along Brody sooner.
What I miss: Being able to tie my shoes painlessly.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing what Brody looks like -- is he going to be a mini-Jason or will I see some of myself in him. Along with that, I can't wait to see what his personality is like.
Weekly wisdom: I was reminded in Church today that God always has a plan & even though I can't see the future, I should be patient. So I am patiently waiting for my son to arrive knowing that at least we are healthly and I'm lucky to be pregnant.
Milestones: Having crazy pregnancy dreams. I've started dreaming i'm in labor, or that the baby is already here. Or unfortunately one dream that Jason was having an affair & I'm going to have to raise the baby by myself. (No worries -- we're happily married, but apparently my subconscious is a little hormonal)